
Call Tracking

While we are definitely entrenched in a web-savvy world, hotel reservations do continue to happen offline, making call-tracking extremely important.

Consumers still dial a phone number and speak to a reservationist to ask questions, check on availability, and book a stay. Without question, your online marketing efforts directly contribute to the volume of calls coming in to your hotel.

Our call-tracking solution allows you to measure the offline production of your website so you can amend your communications approach and keep fluid how you allocate your marketing/advertising dollars. The process keeps your efforts focused on the offline strategies that are driving calls to your hotel.

Additionally, the call-tracking software records calls between your customers and staff so you can monitor these exchanges and ensure that the highest levels of service are being delivered by your team.


  • Fully monetize online marketing efforts
  • Track return on print advertising
  • Listen to recorded calls for quality assurance
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