
Business Listing

A TripAdvisor Business Listing puts your hotel in front of the travel site’s 315 million unique visitors a month, offering an excellent opportunity to heighten your profile. Capture a share of this traffic for a competitive edge, especially against OTAs

Your Business Listing includes your website, phone number and e-mail contact information – plus you can leverage consumer engagement further by featuring a special deal and news announcement. It’s just a simple click of the mouse from the listing to your site.

TripAdvisor Business Listings yield an impressive return on investment, typically over 100%. In addition, because of the volume of our TripAdvisor business, HIS offers a discount on the annual fee. Once a Business Listing has been established, we track everything for you to assure and gauge ROI.


  • Promote your hotel to a vast travel audience
  • Redirect OTA traffic to your website
  • Quickly disseminate new specials to potential guests
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Meta-Search Marketing

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